We are being led by the nose. We
are so busy reacting to the latest outrages, perpetrated by our own government
against its citizens, that we are losing or have already lost our ability to
think clearly about how to counterattack these assaults on the bastions of our
democracy. The latest bastion to seemingly fall, the Office of the Public
Protector, is for many people the most demoralising. We became accustomed to Adv.
Thuli Madonsela speaking truth to power, but now have someone who is supremely arrogant
coupled with suggestions of incompetence, or capture.
Coming fast and furious from so
many different directions, the new Mining Charter, the nuclear energy debacle
that is unfolding in Russia as I write, SOE Boards fragmenting, the
PP/MKVA/ANCYL’s seemingly coordinated approach to the South African Reserve
Bank’s right to independence, and now the ANCWL pronouncing that constitutional
democracy doesn’t work because our courts have too much power, are all timed to
keep us off-balance and in a punch-drunk state of paralysis. The surprisingly
muted coverage of the Auditor General’s latest report on the parlous state of local
government finances clearly demonstrates we are drowning in a sea of outrage,
and have nothing much left to give to this equally appalling situation.
Chief Justice Mogoeng’s delivery of the Constitutional Court’s well-balanced
ruling that it is permissible to vote on a motion of no confidence in the
president by secret ballot should the Speaker so decide, coupled with his
timely reminder to politicians that they take an oath to uphold and defend the
constitution and not their political parties, provided a momentary ray of hope
that MP’s might be swayed to vote their consciences. I say “momentary”, because
as soon as the judgement had been handed down, the ANC caucus issued a
statement that indicated they had not heard a single word the Chief Justice
said about loyalty to the country and its people over loyalty to their party. The
most telling extract reads: “ANC members of Parliament are therefore representatives of the ANC in
Parliament and derive their mandate from the political party which deployed
them, in the same way as members of other political parties derive their
mandate from their political parties. The most recent example of this is in the
Western Cape Provincial Legislature where the Democratic Alliance refused to
vote with the ANC to remove Western Cape Premier Helen Zille. In the Mogale
City Municipality, the DA even went as far as forcing their councillors to take
a lie detector test after some of their members defied their party mandate by
voting in favour of removing the Mayor. This is the level of hypocrisy of the
opposition who expect the ANC to do something which they flatly refuse to do.”
Apart from confirming that all
political parties have the same modus operandi, we now also know that the ANC
Caucus believes it is mandated to aid and abet the theft of state resources to
the detriment of the people they are appointed to serve; and no matter what the
circumstances, they must always vote against the opposition, even if it brings
further harm to the people. The DA and EFF are also complicit in this party
line dance that we naively call “democracy”. Do not be misled by their
successful court challenges to the misrule of the ANC into believing they have
any greater concern for the people. To quote a senior DA leader in a meeting
regarding party politics interfering with service delivery: “I can tell you that when you are in a
political fight, party politics will always come before service delivery”. I have consistently held the view that
the DA does a better job of local government than the ANC, but the bar is set
so low that even they can prioritise party politics before service delivery,
and still come out ahead.
Then there is the EFF whose leader, Julius Malema, is still in dispute
with SARS over alleged unpaid income taxes amounting to R32.9m. Having already
negotiated a “compromise” with SARS in 2014, that required him to pay only
R7.1m of a then outstanding R18m tax debt, SARS are now accusing him of not
revealing the true source of his income, and also said Malema failed to
disclose his interest in a Polokwane property. Malema claimed he had forgotten
about the property as he never paid for it – well that sorts out how important
the land issue really is to him if he can afford to forget about his own
property. Then there is the finding by former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela
in 2012 that Malema “improperly benefited” from a R52-million tender awarded by
the Limpopo Roads department to engineering company On-Point, who allegedly
then transferred some of the money to Malema’s Ratanang Family Trust. The
bottom line is that this champion of the people also appears to be a champion
tax avoider; tax that could be put to better use in alleviating the poverty of
the very people he claims to represent.
This is the calibre of political
parties, their leaders, their deployees and their cadres in this fledgling
democracy of ours. It is no longer a question of the State of the Nation: it is
the Nation that’s in a state. Political wolves are being held at bay only by
the resolute defence of our Constitution by Chief Justice Mogoeng and his
colleagues. This is unsustainable in the longer term. However admirable the
intent of the Constitution and however often the Constitutional court reminds those
laughably termed “servants of the people” how to behave, it contains no
enforceable sanctions for those in breach of their sworn duty. As we have seen,
and no doubt we will see many times again, this allows for the Justice’s
admonishments to be ignored with impunity.
Now tick the boxes if you think
these statements apply in South Africa today:
- Tell the population you have their best interests at heart;
- Have a derisory attitude towards educated people;
- Provoke (economic) disorder then tell everyone you are capable of fixing it;
- Promise to create jobs, respect the laws of the land, respect people’s rights etc.;
- Have your own news organisation that promotes only your views;
- Demonise a minority that effectively turns citizen against citizen;
- There is a spurious “belief” that democracy does not work.
Interestingly, these same boxes
would have been ticked in 1930’s Germany, and were major contributors to Adolf
Hitler’s rise to dictatorship. After a failed putsch, Hitler realised that the
route to supreme power was to use the institutions of democracy to destroy
democracy. First, get legally established in power, and then erode democracy
from within.
Although the scenario might sound
familiar, the situational aspects are obviously quite different. We are
fortunate to have an independent media community that counterbalances the
propaganda of Gupta media outlets for example, so South Africans will not be so
easily rolled over. That same independent media also keeps us up-to-date with
the level of erosion being suffered by our democratic institutions. But we
cannot continually be reactive to
events. We must become proactive in
defending our democracy, so the issue now is how do we change the political and
social narrative in South Africa, and change it quickly?
This is the point at which our
home grown version of Emmanuel Macron is supposed to step forward to provide
the vision and leadership needed to unite the country, and to steer us into
calmer waters. Wishful thinking aside, we are a resilient and capable nation
that has the intellectual resources to collectively come up with workable
Finally, there is a scuba diving
maxim used when in trouble underwater: STOP; BREATHE; THINK; ACT, which can
also be applied to surviving the political rip currents tearing at our
democracy. We must STOP perversely chasing Bell-Pottinger’s White Monopoly
Capital plus other distracting narratives, or the latest scandalous revelations
about State Capture. The only thing we add to these narratives is the
negativity of more outrage. So, take a
deep BREATH to clear your mind, and start to really THINK about the situation we are in. Look at how we might contribute
to countering the divisive rhetoric of our politicians, and who we can rope in
to help us. Then ACT on your ideas, as well as sharing them as far and wide as
your contacts list will allow. Also share with civil and religious
organisations. Don’t be shy about this.
You may feel your contributions are too little to make a difference, but never
forget that “the
little joined up makes for a lot”, and as Albert Einstein said “You never
fail until you give up”.